CoPilots - TV Writers Talk TV Pilots | Comedians, Actors, and Writers Reviewing TV Episodes

09 - WALKER TEXAS RANGER or which of us is the dead ex-partner?

Kevin McNulty Episode 9

Andy and Sean discuss the Chuck Norris masterpiece. The 1993 pilot can be found on is available to stream on Hulu, Peacock, and Roku TV. You can also purchase the episode on Youtube and Apple TV.

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Hosted by
Sean Conroy (IG, Twitter, TikTok)
Andy Secunda (IG, Twitter)

Produced by Agustin Islas

Comedy Writers, TV Review, Funny Reviews, Entertainment, UCB Improv, Fun Reviews, Pilot Writing, Pilot Episode, First Episode, TV Writing, Comedian Reviews


to Well, I already said that, right? I already said I'm Sean


Uh, hey everybody, my name is Sean. Well, we already said that, right? Like we already said I'm Sean and I'm Andy.


Andy. It's okay. No, that's not, oh,


All right. Well, I'm Andy Sikanda.


No, that's not, oh, you're misleading them.


Hey everybody, welcome to CoPilots. I am Sean Conroy and I'm Andy Secunda. On this podcast, we talk about TV pilots, the first episodes of television shows. Sometimes pilots become long running series. Others don't make it past that first episode.


We're going to talk about all of them. The great pilots, the bad pilots, weird pilots, the forgotten pilots. We are TV writers, but it should be noted that we are the dumbest TV writers, you know, so all of these are just our dumb opinions.


So dumb. So today we're talking about Walker Texas Ranger, the pilot of an amazing Amazing show an amazing time in American life. the show debuted in April of 1993, just to give everybody a little bit of context on April, 1993, just two days before this. The Branch Davidian Complex in Waco, Texas burned to the ground, thanks to interference from the Department of Justice. So there was a lot going on in Texas when the show came on. most popular song in the country at that time was Informer by Snow. You were a big snow right?


That's true. it was really, if you look in my, my room at that time, it was just posters of


You love, 12 inches of snow, right? That's right. Yeah. there was also a big announcement right around that time in television, which was that David Letterman, this happened a few days after Walker, Texas Ranger came on, David Letterman was going to be be replaced by a a young comedy writer named Conan O'Brien and everybody thought that was a crazy decision. Nobody ever even heard of this guy. have you


Uh, I did. I, I worked at the show for two years. was


he any good


Um, yeah, I mean, he, he lasted a very long time on that show and I was there for two years of it. And I remember watching it, in first episode with Andy Blitz, uh, who we both know. And, um, I we both Who also wrote for the show. Right. And both of our reactions were, that's it, he's going to do all the comedy, We were never going to get to do any comedy because he'll have done all of it. which Turned out to not be accurate, even though he did a lot of great


You liked what he did.


Yes. Thank you. And then I got to on it.


Right. so we have this amazing show based on the movie Lone Wolf McQuaid. Uh, the show ends up lasting nine seasons and it's all thanks to. Um,


I don't know that I've ever, as a matter of fact, I know I have never seen a full episode of Texas Ranger before watching this


pilot. I have seen zero Walker Texas Ranger before today when I watched the


pilot. And I'm assuming you, like myself, know this. Primarily as a punchline,


sure, like not even that, because not like I watched that Conan O'Brien show where it became a punchline, uh,


which happened after my time, by the way. So, Right.


um, but I just was aware of Chuck Norris as a cultural figure and just had no, I had no opinion on Walker, Texas Ranger, except that it was probably. good. A bit,


I only knew it as a, as a bit and, uh, as like a thing to make fun of. I mean, it's, what it last? Nine seasons. So the joke's on me, really.




but it was very interesting kind of entering this. this cold, because it's such a, it's such a snapshot of an action movie, really, uh, aesthetic, at that time,


going way back. Like I felt like a lot of it was very. Almost 70s, you know?


Yes. well, that's what's interesting about is because it's TV, it's sort of a mixture of the kind of Schwarzenegger Stallone kind of uber man action kind of, you know, uh, kill line quips, even though nobody's really killed in this episode. As far as I can remember. mixed with the kind of the, the ethic that, that Chuck Norris grew out of, um, By the


way, the deputy is killed


in this episode. That is true. The


Very early


Yes. You have to establish his Nicest guy in the world. His motivation that is forgotten for 80 percent of the episode and then hastily brought back at the end.


at the end.


What about this guy? Go and visit his grave.


and visit his grave. Yeah, Yeah, there was lot of weird shit in this


pilot. Anyway, it was really fascinating to watch as this snapshot of, it was just, they were clearly aiming for such a specific demo, so this was derived from Lone Wolf McQuaid? I


Can't vouch for that a hundred percent. I can say that I saw something today on the internet Which is a great place for getting information, but also Misinformation and disinformation.


So this was carefully researched by you.


I don't have a big staff so


Um, but your, your sense is this was


derived from So, Lone Wolf McQuaid came out in 1983. I believe Chuck Norris played a Texas Ranger. And I think when they were putting this together, they were like, let's have him be a Texas Ranger. It worked so well in this movie. Kind


of like, uh, if I was if I was the writer of the original thing, I would be very frustrated that, uh, basically.


But let's give him a different name.


But it has definitely the feeling, particularly the beginning. Uh, which I, do you wanna just get it? Yeah, yeah. But just the beginning, when it has Chuck Norris in the big letters is Walker, Texas Ranger. It has the feel of a Chuck Norris movie. Right. Immediately. And the, and his, his pickup truck coming over the horizon.


Well, I could see them just going, let's let Chuck Norris be Chuck Norris.


Sure. And why not? It's a great idea. It's actually surprising. I would like to dig in and find out if Steven Seagal ever tried to do this before he did his reality show, because if not, he may have thought it'd been too big for his britches and thought, no, I'm bigger than TV. But this is what preserved Chuck Norris in the American consciousness for so much longer than, uh, than he would have. It


enabled him to sell a lot of those, uh, home gym equipment


Yeah, I mean, that's really what


that Abserciser or whatever the thing is called.


And I think as a Chuck Norris fan, what I, what I look to mostly as his, as his greatest His crowning


achievement. Yes. I also, you know, I'm sure there are people telling Seagal all the time, you got to stop wearing britches because they don't fit anymore.


So, uh, why don't we get into it and start talking about Walker.




so we, I was doing, I was doing a small, get ready. Spreading it out. Walker.


Texas, ranger. Yes, he was. Yeah. so we open and there, you know, there's some weird cinematography at the beginning of the very first shot. And I meant to look this up. And of course, I don't have a staff to research this for me. But the very first shot is they pan across to a tree and then zoom in on the tree. It's like a pan and a zoom. And, uh, it's a weird looking shot.


They have That you're right. It's almost that is going to your point about seventies. That is an almost seventies sort of style, but it's a mishmash of styles because they also, it's, it's a lot of flat TV kind of just, you know, shots at sort of waist level. And then there's, it also has a ton. Of canted angles in this shot, which is sort of an off kilter angle that suggests like a little bit more menace and, and it's just constant throughout


this. There was, there was times when I was like, is this, am I watching Batman with Adam West? Like. The way that things were tilted, it was, it was, anyway, at the end, and I won't, I won't spoil the ending, but I will say that at the end of the whole thing, I was like, I get why television was ready for the golden age. You know, this was 93 to 93 to 2001. So by the end of the run of this show, there were people going, Jesus fuck, we got to. Something else out there, you know,


and it was on CBS and I feel like it's sort of, it wasn't indicative of what later happened on CBS, but it was, it sort of feels like it was playing to the heart of what CBS is sort of, uh, audience would have been what their demo would have been, but, but you know, it's interesting cause I'm thinking of it as more of an older crowd would have been watching it. And I wonder if you break down the demo, how much was children because they have so many. you children plots as well as the, the classic Conan bit with Haley Joel Osment that is, that is, uh, you know, a Walker, uh, told me I have AIDS, believe. I


read about that today. I didn't, you know, again, my research staff brought me some stuff. So we open on a robbery, uh, an armored truck robbery, I guess. Um, the truck has already been crashed, there are, one of the guards from truck is wounded, the other guard is, is embracing him as he bleeds out, or I don't know what was going on between those two, but, the bad guys are trying to figure out what they should


And they are were like, hey, you know what's in these bags? A lot of honey. It's gonna sweeten for a long, long time. And the other the other guy says, Well, the only honey I like walks on two legs. Ha!


he, he likes women.


He's saying he likes women. And Apparently, uh, he doesn't like money or honey, I Actual honey. He doesn't like actual honey. Right. He only likes women. So I don't know why he's going on these.


Right. Well, the, the, the actual honey thing is not, is not a big deal, but if he doesn't like money, he should not doing this. I, I also was fixated on the fact that one of the so they look at the guards, the wounded guard and the other guard. Right. And one of the guys says, what do you want to do with them? Leave them? And the other guy goes, in this heat, in middle of nowhere, buzzards got to eat too. Yeah. he's saying, let's let these guys die in this heat. They're going Sure. they're they're going to, they're going to bake to death. Meanwhile. Apparently that was not communicated to the costuming department because there are four bad guys One of them is wearing a wool work shirt. Another is wearing a hunting jacket Another guy is wearing a canvas duster and the last guy is wearing a Fleece vest.


It's also in no way an abandoned, like remote area. It's like


around a


curve. It's It's like, it's like four different intersecting roads at that section. And I'll also say about what you're saying about the buzzards line right off the top, cause there's so much kind of just. strained, colorful dialogue between the criminals in this. Ben, they're so proud of their buzzards line that later, in a later scene, when we come back to them, and it's just them hanging out in a bar, they're still like, you know, laughing. I wonder if the buzzards got them. Ah I ha! remember when they got the buzzards line.


I, I, I think the reason for that was because we never get an explanation of how Walker, Texas Ranger found them at that place and so when they say like, I wonder if the buzzards got them, another guy says something like, or what, did they, did they make a phone call and call the police or something?


Oh, that's why


Yeah, and so we're like, yeah, they did, here come the


police. Because you left them in a highly populated suburban area to die.


thought they were going to bake to death and it's 40 degrees outside. One of them got hypothermia as he was supposedly. Um, so yeah, so these guys, oh, so that's when we start to see Walker, Texas Ranger in almost, it was like a Cone Brothers shot of the truck coming up over the,


it's one of my favorite shots and it really did in that, in that moment. and I, I think it's, I think it's fair to say, even for most of this pilot, and I'm gonna have A a lot more problems than just the kinds of things Sean and I have already brought up with it, but when I saw that and the truck is coming over the horizon and with the, with the heat lines and the, the, you know, Chuck Norris is Walker, Texas Ranger, and this sort of, it's like the movie Silverado kind of font and the, the typical 90s, Sort of guitar. I'm just like, I'm kind of in, this is great. This makes me want to watch invasion USA, like, and all the rest of his ridiculous action movies. Like, yeah, sure. Go for it.


Right. And we don't see him initially. We see like his hand on the wheel. We see his boot. We see, we don't get a full glimpse of him at all, which I think is, is great in a pilot, like it's


also typical. 90s action hero reveal


it's like, time until the exact moment when we


we know who it


is I also, you know not to get political but it did make me understand a little better the The whole border crisis thing that's going on because the only thing we saw to let us know this was the border was a small a tiny wooden sign tacked to a tree that said Uh, Mexican border two miles and it's like no wonder we need to build a wall there if people are just looking at a little, like how are you going to even see that sign, you

Walker Texas Ranger Raw First Half 12.01.2023:



You're saying some people may not even know what side of the board on. Yeah. If we're to


believe the show. There needs to be something else. Um. Anyway, then then we see these bad guys in their, It's in a bar, which is in somebody's house, which was a little a little confusing to me Um, Although I guess in college we had a bar in our in our But that would have saying


they're they in a dorm room


but uh, Chuck Norris shows up to the bar and they all stopped talking




and And he goes to the bar, and he gets himself a beer, and without turning around, he says, You boys are all under arrest.


This is, this is to me, it's also classic of action heroes of this time. That they are so intimidating in terms of their presence, and just the raw power that the criminals sense. That in this room, I'm assuming full criminals, I assume it's not even just the people that pulled off this heist at the beginning, but everyone's a criminal in there that Walker can walk to the bar, not face them and still be unafraid that he's about to be shot, stabbed, or well, that's


so, so you're saying everybody else was a criminal. I don't think so because what happens is. When he says, you boys are all under arrest, everybody else runs out of the bar knowing that there's going to be trouble. And what I thought was weird about that was, he never, like, does he know that's not the guys he's arresting running away? It just hears like, scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, scuttle,


people running away. Well that maybe they are all criminals. I guess they're either that, or they're good townspeople that are they're going to be trouble! And then they're just running away.


But but, it still doesn't answer the question of like, how does he know his people


stay a hundred percent? And then, or how does he know that his people aren't going to attack him? And it also is, it's an ongoing theme in this, in this pilot of, uh, he's very confident that none of them firearms, these people who just pulled off a heist and blew up a truck.


And we know because we watched from the beginning that they do actually have firearms, but


he's still very confident that he can chuck Norris his way and, and kick the hell out of them and win the fight, which He does. And he gives us immediately what we want to see in a Chuck Norris scene, which is him doing his kicks and his punches, and throw and his throwing people, Um,


of you. And he goes, that sounds about right.


Which is, that's a little bit of a. Of a tepid response. I kind of expected him to, you know, do the, do the once upon a time, one of the once upon a time in the West kind of responds and just go, he knocks one down and goes, now there's three or


or something, or or the, or the, uh, and I'm sorry to like, this shows how different our, our experience of cinema is, is that you reference once upon a time in the West. I'm like, or it's like the first Jack Reacher movie where five guys that he's about to have a fight with. And he's like, you two guys, I'm going to break your arms. You guys are going to run away and the last guy is going to drive you all to the hospital.


Sergio Leone's, uh, second greatest work is obviously the Jack Reacher. Yeah. Never Go Back. No. Is that the sequel? Or is that the, that's the yeah. I can't remember what the




I guess we'll cover Jack Reacher, uh, the Jack Reacher series. It's true, yeah, yeah. At some point.


Um, so he, so he knocks these guys out and then he asks to drive them back. back. To the states where they apparently committed their robberies So he has go across the border and that's what we find out What his name is and that he does this on regular basis, by the way I did want to say that there was a moment when he gets out of his truck in the parking lot of the house Slash bar that these guys are hanging out in. before he even goes in he opens the Back of his pickup truck he lets down the the gate of the pickup truck. Yeah, I Didn't understand was happening, and my first thought was, Was that an homage to the star of Puchinski opening the mailbox when


mailbox. You've


You gotta have somebody open, like drop something down. Without


explanation. Yeah. Well, I, don't wanna what I'm saying. The that's always, he's always opening up the flatbed because he's about to put the criminals in. But that


was the first, that's what I'm saying. That was the first time we saw it. And was like, I get it. I get what's going on. This guy, whoever directed this, watch Puchinski, which came out six years later.


It is funny. One thing I was thinking about this with us having watched Bachinski so, so recently is totally, in terms of the insanity. of tone and I, you know, just sort of the extremeness of action hero kind of vibe. It's really just kind of missing a, crazy dog puppet with Peter Boyle's voice. in it. It's not that far off. Um, but this one went nine seasons because there was one missing insane element. Right. Um, I also liked to your point about, uh, the Mexico, uh, border thing that the immediately criminals were like, uh, this is Mexico ranger. You got no right.


Right. And he says. No. Right. like he does some joke about he hits someone with a right hand or something that. Right? Yeah. Oh,


yeah. He said no. Right. I, I think that I do a right. Yeah. Yeah.






I have a pretty good, right. I, I just hit you with my right hand.


It was a, it's a long monologue. He says just like, uh, Hey, how about that? Right. That I just, just, you we, to his long monologue later, which actually does, there's a lot of'em. Yeah. Um, and I think the, the rest of the credits come up this point. Uh, it was created by Albert s Ruddy, who was one of the. The Godfather producers, uh, Leslie Grief, uh, I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that correctly, uh, Christopher Kanan and Paul Haggis of Crash, Million Dollar Baby. He wrote some Bond films, just like massive success. Uh, and I think he also was, I don't know if it was just sort of, that it was connected to, but I believe he's also instrumental in the reboot of. of. uh, Walker, Texas Ranger called Walker.


Right. yeah, he, he, so I have a quote here from Paul Haggis. Because he, he, you know, like you said, million dollar baby and crash.




The time a screenwriter had ever written Oscar winning movies two years in a row.




He also very famously left, uh, Scientology. There was a huge New Yorker article about him Scientology, which I remember reading and notice that again today. Um, but he said of Walker, Texas Ranger, I agreed to write the pilot because I thought it would just go away, but it became this huge hit. And I remember up at three or four in the morning in a cold sweat, dripping wet. I mean, I was drenched. I just pictured my tombstone and it said. Paul Haggis, creator of Walker, Texas Ranger, 1993.


And then you pull back and you see Chuck Norris standing over the graves. saying, Now it's time for payback.


So the impetus making these movies is really just to wipe that image from my mind. Um, so that's why he got into writing uh, screenplays.


See, uh, Sean, we don't have a. A big enough, you know, black mark on our record uh, to motivate us to actually achieve greater success.


not the only black mark on Paul Haggis record, by the way. Uh, he was, uh, found guilty of sexual harassment by, uh, by a jury, which by the way, I don't know any of details of that, but I will say being found guilty in a civil trial by a jury of sexual harassment does not mean you can't. Uh, run for president of the United States.




not to get political, but,


um, I wonder if, uh, if there's room for that on his tombstone,


talk about waking up a cold sweat


in night, crash, and then you have his record. Uh, anyway, we


he, so he gets these guys back to the States. And then we see where he hangs out, right?


Correct. Is that the, that was the, it's the next scene is when we meet CD


right In CD's


bar and played by, I I am not sure I'm pronouncing this correctly, Gaylord Sar.


Oh, you're definitely pronouncing that correctly.


pronunciation isn't one of my, just rolls off the top of my foremost skills. Uh, who's typing this and he's, this starts what is. An impressive amount of exposition from this character. Like they will stop the show for him to go into a description of not just own backstory, but other characters backstories unashamedly, just endless. And in this one, it's like, it takes a lot of concentration. he's typing in a typewriter. taking a lot of concentration to be a writer. And Walker goes, yes, especially if you're writing about all the stuff you got us into when you were a ranger. One little bullet wound in your leg says CD, and them doctors go all to pieces. So it's, it, this is all to set up the, he's Both writes in a device column. He also runs a bar. He also was


ranger, was


a Texas


ranger, by the way, comes into play later when he walks into a bank, they all think is gonna be robbed while it's under surveillance. And I don't mean to get ahead, but while it's under surveillance by Walker and his partner, he just goes, you can't stop me. I'm going in like crazy.




Uh, so anyway, they're hanging out in the bar, that's when the young deputy comes Mobley. Mobley, and, and they, you know, they, they, they know that his, the woman he loves wants a wedding ring. So much stuff. Yeah.


Harriet Wilson's that turns out to be Post. Yeah. We're gonna


Harriet Wilson's trading post. They're doing a


lot of world building. thought that.


I don't know if we're ever going to see that, but I just thought it was bizarre. that, You know, Harriet Wilson, like again, talking about a name that rolls off the tongue, you know,


and there's so much Exposition. It's hard to tell when they're setting up the world like Oh Harriet Wilson is going to be good at that old con Harriet Wilson who sells fake jewelry. She got


out of jail


or if it's just like no, it's just to set up that Mobley bought fake jewelry because as CD says 15 years as a cop five years as a ranger I don't think I've ever run into anybody as innocent as he is. So it's like just to say his own backstory and that this guy is innocent. So


that when he gets killed, we're, we're sad We're sad. Yeah.


So much set up for him to be killed immediately, which I would kind of actually in thought was heroic because as soon as he faces criminals alone, like, Oh, he's the. He's the classic action cop movie sacrifice sacrifice to motivate the hero again as I say at the beginning and then at the very end and not at all in the middle


right when I was a kid, I had a book called jokes, puns and riddles, and it was all just street jokes. And it jokes like the joke at the end of this. Like I feel like they used a book like that at the end of this scene to get out of the scene of most scenes, somebody. Who I don't know if they were supposed to be from another part of the south or from another country. They


had an indeterminate accent, right


and she was like do you serve tourists here?


Yeah. That's, that's Very accurate. He's like we used to we couldn't chop'em up into small enough pieces fit'em on a plate It's just like what? that's it's just uh, these fucking foreigners, right? America She's like, that's it. And they kind of, but they get, they play at both sides of it because they're like, we, where are leaving and then Walker. He's kidding. He's kidding. Yeah. Walker as assures him. He's kidding. And then they kind of smile at each other like, Aw, this guy's great. And then sit


down. But you know that in the, in the cut there, like what happened that was they actually were served human flesh on a plate.


They, I think that what he was saying was they chop up the foreigners themselves and serve them


It was foreign human flesh. It was somebody else who had had the same issue when they came in.


I mean, I would have liked to have seen that scene. That would have hooked me.


Uh, so we go back to Walker's house and we meet his uncle Ray, who




who is Native American


And he is his Alfred.


I guess


I, it's, I, I know he is his Alfred. At first I was like, I wrote to myself Is he his Alfred? And Uncle Ray says, I asked the same question of my tribal chief. With of course the, some, some, some sort of indigenous folk music, stereotypical music playing played underneath. Uh, When you were given me to raise after your father died. Um, which is just like Again, so much exposition that everybody is just stating their, their backstory and what their relationship is immediately with no, no elegance at all. Um, but the main thing is that I was just like, Oh, well, this is, this guy's Zalfred And just to jump ahead a little, he's absolutely Zalfred because later on in the pilot, we realize he took care of him after Walker's. Parents are killed and he was orphaned,


right? And and yeah, that's I going to say is after your father died I was like, are going to tell us how his father died?




Is that?


Did you even know did you have a question in your head? I knew


was going to happen Um, So then we go to a we go to a bank where there is a blind Man who gets, uh, focused by the cameras quite a bit. So it's, it's confusing. And he's clearly wearing a fake beard and a hat and sunglasses. Right. So there's something going on this guy. We don't quite know what it


Right. And while the robbery's happening, they kind of close up on a teller lady. And, uh, she does the most obtrusive and obvious move. With her hand underneath the counter to hit the alarm, um, and then immediately looks around like the day player is really overplaying that, that moment. I hope no


one like that. Her motivation was, I hope no one sees me. It's quite clear.


That is what her motivation is. Uh,


so they, they steal a bunch of money, but they're taking longer than they're supposed to. They're supposed to only have. have. 49 seconds left, but they actually take longer than that. I think they took 53 or I was, I was, I couldn't count it. Um, but as they're leaving the bank, because they've taken too long, Mobley pulls up and has the drop on them. Yes.


And the innocent. Innocent Mobley is killed.


Before they can get into the escape wagon. They have a station wagon that they're going to get away in.


have a station wagon that they're lifts a gun. And so, his, neither of his hands had a gun in them. So I don't know if, uh, if we're meant to Assume that the cane somehow was a high tech cane.


of those one of those sword with a gun. Right, right Um, So he kills, he kills Mobley all those guys get away and then uh, They're, they're, they're they're very upset that Mobley has been killed.


They sure


are. Yeah Uh, He never even had a chance to defend himself because was trying to help the blind guy Yeah, get away the bank robbers. Didn't realize that guy was in on it


You can see the subtext is, do not help the visually impaired people.


Right. Um, and then we come back to, and I guess we're in the town hall or whatever, is, is where Walker, Texas Rangers office is?


Yeah, that's a good question.


Uh, it's some of government building of some some sort.


Right, where you can have. Both the cops and


lots of officials. Prosecutor. So that's, that's we didn't talk about was prosecutor Alex, who we met earlier she was saying that there's no way he was gonna get away with bringing those guys back from Mexico. And it turns out governor


was thrilled. Cahill played by Cherie J. Wilson.


Um, I will say I read a thing, this doesn't happen in this episode, but I read a thing somewhere said that over the course of the nine seasons of the series, Alex gets taken hostage 22 times.


That makes sense. It can't just be guest stars, it's gotta be.


There's no stakes with guest stars. Uh, she also gets shot three times. Well, that's


actually a pretty good


record. Yeah. Um, so she doesn't want to be insensitive. She knows Mobley has just been killed, but she, and this, this kind of, I was Like, wow, that's really intense for the first episode. She wants Walker to help out this 16 year old girl who has been raped, a circus performer who


A trapeze


artist. A trapeze artist, yeah.


Which is a, it's a strange, it's just a strange series of lines with upsetting information loaded in between, she was a trapeze artist, the circus is trapeze?




How do you, what do you lean on? Trapeze? Trapeze? Trapeze? Trapeze or trapeze. She


a trapeze


artist. artist. Um, and also the thing, so it's like the kind of comical references of the circus with the upsetting information about her assault. And then on top of that is the, is the thing of her holding up the picture. Two headshots. Two headshots, which are clearly like. Kind of high school, you know, picture day kind of photos, except one is like, this is, yes, this is what this is her. And then this is her with almost exactly the same background after, these men were violent attack. Yes. And, and it's clearly just to emotionally. Uh, Maneuver, uh, Walker, and it's very interesting because he's clearly a person who will do anything for anyone and both her and C. D. are, it's constantly this kind of thing of like her trying to get Walker to let them stay at his ranch and he's like, Oh no, Oh boy, now I gotta do this. And it's sort of like, it's a strange series of beats to play with this character. That's kind of like,


He's going


you always going to do that. Aren't you always the guy that like, so why, what, what is this schmuck bait of like, you're,


what time. schmuck bait of like, you're, I'm not going to do that.


You know? And it's kinda like a very artificial refusal of the call in hero's journey terms. Yeah, I


don't follow all that. Um But then we, then we go


back to the bad guy. You're refusing my call of understanding the refusal of the call.


I, I blocked a long time ago.


Well, you should check out my screenwriting page.


Um, then we're back with the bad guys. And by the way, I found it difficult to keep straight who was who in because it's all Just like middle aged white guys with mustaches.


It is a shocking lack of diversity, which is when they finally do it. They're, they're leading up to who the replacement cops going to be. And I'm like,


right, right.


I'm assuming as soon as he says he's from Baltimore, I'm like, oh, all right. Yeah.




except for Uncle


Ray, in fairness. Right. In scene we figure who the, who the, I think he was the guy dressed with the beard, right? Yeah. Was that chief bad guy? Yes. Who, by the way, is my, that guy is my agent. I don't know if you know that, but yeah. Um, but he beats up somebody. he establishes his karate. Ability in this scene. So we know somewhere the line Him and Walker, Texas Ranger are gonna have it out. They're gonna duke it out. They're gonna gonna


they're going to have their end of lethal weapon. mano a mano. Yeah


And they're and we find out they're going to make a big score in five days, right? Some there's some plan in motion, right? Yeah then Again, I'm like, who are these guys? And then I realized it's the three rapists in the truck, sitting across the street from city hall, waiting for the girl that they attacked to be released. And


is the idea to remove her as a witness?


I don't know. That's certainly how they played


played it. they were sort of staking out and waiting to rush in. To


Walker. I felt like they were that because they were going to attack her again.


That's that's the reason


I I think so.


They definitely were being lascivious.


he goes, I forgot how pretty she was. The DA, the DA is not bad either.


And the other guy, the other voice of reason


matter with you guys?


and the other guy says, just chalk it up to hormones. is a lot of strange dialogue that again, a lot of it feels like filler. It's like scenes that they would write in a, in a movie and And then you would just be like, Oh, we don't need this. This is slowing it all down. Except in this, I I really feel like they were like, Oh, well let's make it a big movie. First episode. Um, Uh,


Right, because you could have had those guys just show up at the house and it would have actually been more scary when they showed up.


Yeah, or even just the quick shot of them sort of at the thing and then we figure out after the fact why they're like, show, show, them like sort of staking it out to heighten tension, sort of. But, um But yeah, there's, there's a ton of scenes that absolutely could be cut.


Um, so we're back at, at, uh, Walker, Texas rangers ranch. He's not, he's not there, there's a bunch of circus performers making dinner and, or making breakfast and setting the table and uncle Ray is there. We find out that uncle Ray. One of the circus performers who I wish I had looked up that guy's name because that guy's been in a lot of He's been in a ton


of things.


Um, but he, uh, talks about how he, he's a juggler. He always wanted to be a sword swallower, but he felt like it would be too difficult. And then Uncle Ray says, you get used to it pretty quick. And he shows a scar that he has because he was stabbed with a bayonet in North Africa in 1943. Like again, more exposition, more


backstory. I'm not sure. The way everyone says information like that is just bringing everything to a halt and they might as well be saying and here's my backstory And the other character would be like, what's what's happening? Who are you talking to? What's going on? Um, But it's also like a lot of these backstories like with CD uh, and and uh, with uh, Jimmy later and with um, Uncle Ray, it's almost like They're building badass like everybody has their special skill or backstory that makes them a badass. Nobody, obviously, as much of a badass as Walker is, but, um, But it also is sort of like, this isn't relevant to this episode. Why are we here?


the the thing that people do sometimes pilots where they're like, there's to be really cool stuff about this person down the line. And this is the pilot. So we need to make sure everybody how cool they


are. And that's, what's fascinating is airtime. Is such a premium? In a, in a pilot where you have so much to establish. And in this episode, it feels like they had too much time. Yeah. And they do


whatever they wanted to.




Um, I mean, I will say they do it one at a time, which is nice, you know, like you, you know, who each of these people is. They intersperse it with various mobs of middle aged white guys. So that part is


part is need to have people stop and say which white guy they are. Right,


right. Um, but the bad guys pull up to the house in their, in their pickup and uh, they're coming, they're coming to get everybody. Or coming get the girl, the juggler tries, the other circus tries to attack them with his clubs, his


And I will say, that guy I believe does his own stunt there, like where he takes the punch, the actor does, which is interesting. they don't have a


Well, he works in the circus, you learn a lot of skills.


No, I mean the actor, that's the character he's playing, Sean. Although I guess he does know how to juggle, so maybe he did work in the




right, he


do his own


I'll I'll also say before we get past this, the, the moment with the, the, uh, the victim of the crime, Um, she leaves the room sort of upset, uh, and not saying anything. And the, uh, the other woman from the circus basically says, she keeps going off. It also has an indeterminate




accent. She keeps going off alone. We've tried, but she won't even talk about it. And it's sort of just like. All of, all of their attitude is that this woman who was very recently assaulted is kind of just being a bummer about this still and not talking and not.


Yeah. That was super weird.


Very strange. What's


This was three days ago that you were assaulted like that. What's the big deal? And then, yes, we go out on the porch and Walker has a 25 minute monologue about his life that we find out everything we need to know, which apparently solves her issues.


Yeah. Oh, wait, does that happen?


here? Yeah.


And, and the other thing he drops there is,


I mean, we skipped over the part where he beats up the bad guys and, and, you know, breaks all their faces. He has a whole thing with one of them where the guy's like, my nose is broken. and Walker fixes it and then goes, it looked better the other way and breaks it again. Yeah. Um, which is how broken noses work, generally speaking. You can just twist them back into place. Um.


I did enjoy that action moment though, at least. That was, pretty, anything that slipped into him being a little too violent, I was sort of on board for because it adds some spice to this pilot. Um, but also it was in this monologue. where he's telling Lisa that she's safe, that, uh, that he, he drops the, uh, the information that his his dad was a full blooded Cherokee. Uh, who used, again, more exposition, used to ride bulls in a local rodeo for money. And that was fascinating to me that they were playing him


Yeah. is he, is he of that descent?


So, he's a quarter Cherokee. So, okay. Then I guess, uh.


They made his real life part of the story of Walker, Texas Ranger. Apparently. Um, he does at this point talk about how they, the, the reason that, well, don't know why his father gets murdered, but he,


I think it's because he's indigenous,


right? Right. And he encounters three men in shabby clothes, who just stink of alcohol,


and he makes a big deal about the carnival, which


to get, that's I going to say. Yeah. that he says. I must have gone on that Ferris wheel and I was like, Oh, he must have gone on it like 40 or 50 times. I must have on that Ferris wheel six times. And I just, that didn't make sense to me. Like, that doesn't feel like a must have gone on big exaggerated number, you know? It seems


That is true. It seems like he's leaning into hyperbole and big was so Like as soon as he was leaning into this and I already had the Alfred piece of information I was like, are they going full Batman on this and then because it's already like like him seeing Zorro Which is part of the Batman myth when he's gone to the carnival Then his parents are walking away with him into the darkness then they're both killed It's just like, I can't believe it. They are followed. they're going full Batman down to the point where when he visits their grave at the end, it's, it's very much like Batman standing over the graves of his parents.


Um, and he's a, he's a multi billionaire.


Well, there's also that, yeah.


The, the, the Walker foundation,


he does have a giant ranch and a


serving Walker and Wayne are almost the same. The same name.


Oh, is that what the subtext is? Um,


so his father gets stabbed and gets killed, dies right there. mother gets stabbed, dies two days later. Did they? The girl says, did they hurt you? And he goes, they hurt me real bad. Sure. So have a lot of sympathy for him. And she wants to how you get over it. How do you get over a thing like that, you know? You get over it. never get over it. You don't get over it. That's what he says. Yeah.


it. of information? He says don't let You never get over it, but heal it. What actually is, that's the most logical piece of advice that he has in the show.


Right. Time has a way of making things better. Uh, don't let what happened, don't be destroyed by something that you could not possibly prevent, he tells her. And that fixes her. Well,


yes, then she's fine after that.


She's great. Um, okay, now we come in on C. D., who's taking him to see his new partner. Now that Mobley's been killed, he's got a new partner.


And of everything in the show, this is The biggest CD, just exposition model. I grew up in Baltimore on the wrong side of the tracks, got himself a football. So I was hip at Penn, even to the point where they were like, well, this is insane. We should have Walker comment on it. And he goes, he goes, you sure know a lot about this guy. And it's like, he then continues without like a break in the action. Like, he's just got a cue card from, yeah, Cowboys drafted him. He tore his shoulder all the hell, figured his life was about over. But then, uh, getting on the highway patrol is what saved him. It's just like, it's endless. Just, you know, and then, you know what he did for fun? He tried to, uh, modernize the whole department just for fun. And so it's like, then it takes this turn. Walker seems like he's, doesn't care.


even says he's really on the cutting edge, which I don't even know what that means.


It's, it's having him, he's setting him up is like, he's sort of street wise. Then he's also kind of a nerd that's obsessed with modernization. Then he's also an ex uh, football player. Which kind of comes into play because he tackles several people in this episode


and he's not afraid to Do things outside the boundaries of what's allowed.


Yeah, he's sort of an all purpose partner um but they have to establish that that uh walker is like this is going to be kind of also a bickering cops vibes like It's like yeah, It's just like, uh, you know, when he's talking about the modernization, he's like, yeah, tell you what CD, next time I'm in a gunfight, I'll read it. And it's sort of like, are you taking up a real strong stance on this thing, you know, very little about,


little uh, I liked he turned to CD like, so, so they meet him. He's in a, he's in a swimming pool, Yes. which is an opportunity to just have guy show off his incredible body


His physique is in And I will say this is Theo and Diehard from Diehard. Who is the, the, the hacker in die hard.


That's so funny I was like, is that the same


guy? Yeah, the same guy. who's also sundown and top gun. And I gotta say they, that guy really, he, he plays a nerd very convincingly, and then you see him getting out of the pool. it's like, Jesus Christ. Look at this.


He's got the best. Pecs. I've


I've ever seen sexiest man alive


Yeah. tiny bathing


suit. I mean, you gotta, you gotta give them credit for their, like, Hey, we're leaving money on the table. Let's for no reason have this scene where this guy's getting out of the pool,


uh, in a, in a, in a


get a little beefcake action in a thong.


Yeah. Uh, and, but then Walker turns to CD at the end of that whole scene and goes. I'm gonna love him, meaning he does not love


him. No. Yeah. Uh, and is the scene where he talks about his training drink? Or is that the next scene? Uh, I think training drink. He's getting ready for a marathon. He's carrot and parsley. He's just, he's Walker's not going to love that opposite of Walker. Yeah. Yeah. a four car four eyed. There


is no way this relationship will work out. Uh, Walker does not have pecs like that.


Um, they're talking about the, you know, the information that, uh, that Jimmy kind of found and, uh, and, and Walker says, I checked too, without computers. I don't use your, your newfangled


opposites. Yeah. And then we're back with the other, with the other, the bad guys, and they're trying to get explosives so that they can do something with explosives. And they're talking to a guy named Mr.


Coble. Both of


were with Mr.


Cobalt. Yes. Slowly offering their resumes and I


worked the


Mr. Kobol. It's just like, there's a lot of information that's, it's like that to me is like, I guess that's how they, when they get later, they track down Cobalt and then they, they interrogate him And it's just, this is where the plotting becomes so slow. Um, Um, and there's just no need for this pilot to have been this long. that it's just like, and it's the the same shot of the the bright light behind it and all these guys in a room that are supposed to have stopped Cobalt from figuring out who he was. And


guy gets pissed and he's like, get rid of him and let him know why I don't want him around or why it's bad to lie in a job interview. So then he lies about the Libyan. Yeah. And then we see that in a, in a shadow play, see that they're beating him outside. Like we don't actually see it happening. We see their shadows on the wall


as he was more of a stylistic choice than just avoiding doing the stunt.


Um, then we're back with Walker and, and Trevet. Is that his name? Trevet, Travet,


And then I think Walker keeps calling him him Trivet to aggravate him. And he does it once in a scene, he corrects him. And then two seconds later, really no other dialogue. He calls him Trivi again, and he walks away. And, and Jimmy goes like, he'll get it right. And it's sort of like, well, you, he obviously was messing with you.


Uh, but they have figured out that there's some kind of C4 thing going on and that they C4 at the other robbery somewhere that they know about. So they need to go talk to the guy at the gun store because he's the who would know who has. C4. So they talked to him. He wants to buy cigs. Uh, they, you know, he, they have a little back and forth. Uh,


I mean, even as you're going through this, don't you kind of feel the, the sort of the weight of all the. Various scene after scene where you're just sort of waiting for it to move forward and just sort of lumbering


Well, I also thought it was so funny in the in the gun store when the guy does not want to give him Any information? Yeah, And then he finally goes alright, just between you and me Walker and the guy's partner standing a foot away from him Yeah, you know like does he he just not Um, Um, don't tell the guy standing right next to you what I'm about to tell you. Uh, but they out that there's a guy who has rocket launchers in C4. Right. And his name is Cobalt, and he hangs out the gun range.




So go down to the gun range, and Cobalt immediately, he takes one look at Trivet, or Trivet, and he just runs.


He's the same as Walker, he can't get his name


I'm just trying to bug Heh


Can't my name right?


So he runs, he's scared of him and, and Walker understand why but luckily this guy was a wide receiver so he, he chases him


What about his, what was it, torn knee? What was the, that was one thing that I didn't understand how did this end his career, I don't know being a a wide receiver. But, uh, he tore his shoulder, not his knee, that was what it was. I see, so he still run. So it seems like it would give him problems with tackling all these people.


Um, but he does, he catches him and then Walker drives up and he's like, I thought were supposed to be in such great shape, you know, what's the matter with you? Well, I ran and you drove. I mean


And he says, oh, next time you You run and I'll drive and each was, was basically like, no, I don't think so. And just kind of like,


if we both drive? What if we both run? Like that was all on the table. I think, uh,


it's very inorganic. They're, they're bickering. Although I, I will say, um, the, uh, Jimmy Trevett, who's Clarence Gilliard Jr hope you're saying that right. Uh, my apologies. Uh, I actually think he passed away last year, not to bring anyone down. but, uh, He does a fine job in this episode. I would say he's one of the best performances in the episode.


As far as his acting. Yes. Yeah, I agree.


Right, not as the character. But as the character too, you know, he does a lot of good.


Right. He's a good, he's a good dude. He's a good cop. Yeah. Uh, well he's got a bad


Do you call a ranger a cop, Sean, do you know? I think so,


yeah. Um. Right, that's, he has this whole thing about how he wanted to be the Lone Ranger.


That, that slow down, that monologue break, as we'll maybe because you'd call it, uh, was the most astonishing. Of the, the slow build to, that where I come from this Concrete and asphalt. You can't, nobody could tell right from wrong. This just really like playing to their, to their, uh, to their fan base of just like, ass. city folk, these motherfuckers. Uh, and then this guy comes along speaking with the Lone Ranger who does what he wants to do, total freedom. Uh, you know, just, and there's these military horns playing in the background.




It's interesting also that he's. He's saying the Lone Ranger. This may be the dumbest question of all time. Is the Lone Ranger a Texas Ranger?


Or is he just a ranger? That is not the dumbest of time, but it's up there. Yeah, he's, he's He's not like a, are you saying is he with the National Park Service? I just


know if he's sort of a ranger. He's a Texas Ranger. In a more generalized sort of, uh Oh, there you go. He's an actual ranger. So he's probably not an official ranger anymore. He was. He was. Yeah. So he's technically, it's, you know, lone ranger is a misnomer. He's not really a ranger.


Well, he's alone, but, you know, once you, once you




Ranger, once you go Ranger, you're never a stranger, you


know, I've never heard that, but it must be true. It's very catchy. Yeah.


Um, so anyway, this guy wanted to be the lone Ranger. He was living the wire. Now he's on this show and, uh, he, he, he loves He loves his job and a little, we find out that he's a little bit. Like he will cross lines when he needs to because he busted Kobold once before and Kobold got away with whatever it was So he went and put put snakes in his


house. Yes, and I like the slow build to why Cobalt every time he even sees him is terrified once he comes into the interrogation room.


might have snakes


and he's terrified as soon as As, as Jimmy grabs him by the lapel,


Uh huh.


um, and it's just like, and it's just sort of like why it's like, well, I put snakes in his house, turned off the power and it's kind of like. It doesn't quite track.


Yeah. It would not be that immediate. It feels like. Right.


It's Oh, he's gonna strategize against me later.


But, uh, at this point we're on a stakeout or something. I can't even remember what's. Oh, maybe Cobalt. Oh, they're, they. Oh, so they, don't they get a magazine at this point and call somebody or something?


Yes. They set up a meet because Jimmy is going to kind of go undercover, which actually would have been a much more interesting, different plot that they don't do instead they have that the people show up to meet Jimmy and then it's getting a parking ticket. Yeah. his cops come up and he's getting a parking ticket and, or he's getting hassled and so they, they see it, they get spooked and then there's a car chase


the big, the first big set. piece car chase of the episode, right?


Which you can kind of, I kind of respect and I have to assume that this show is built on a TJ Herker style. Okay. These are going to be the big sequences where there's a fight, where a car chase and everything else is just, you know, tenuous. Connected material to to get to the next thing.


Right. I'm guessing, and I think this is what you're saying, I'm guessing that in every episode at about that point in the show there would be a big car chase.


Although I wonder because this was an hour and a half episode if It's if in a regular episode when it would come,


huh. anyway, Jimmy crashes his car. He ends up in the back of, uh, Walker, Texas Rangers truck. Uh, they chase him. Then. They, they get away. can't even, I'm so lost at this point in terms of not in terms of how complicated the plot was in terms of my interest. I just was like, uh, I can't


really. It It really wears you down. Yeah. And it's for a show that should be just candy. Like it's just Walker being a badass. It's just go from fighting scene to fight scene.




It's amazing how slow it gets in the middle. It's


funny because I'm just thinking about the difference between this show and Spartacus, which was also so much about




fight scenes, but so much more


compelling. And moved so so much faster and it's not, you know, obviously it's, it's, it's not fair to compare because it's, you know, whatever, 50 years later, yes, that's exactly right. but it's still just like, you can feel the weight of it as you're watching it.


we get But we get to that the CIA guy is no longer with the CIA. He's, he's been freelancing because somebody, money got stolen and they thought it was, he turned in another guy for doing it and then it turned it was him. It's all that kind of stuff that people have been doing for a long time now to undermine the intelligence community here in the United States. And I don't, again, I don't mean to get political here, but, you


know. Sean takes it personally because he has a certain history in the intelligence community. I do.


I do. Um. This is where we get to all the Lone Ranger stuff, with sappy horns. and


we get the attack on the, on the


ranch, right? Which I mentioned earlier, but which actually happens here, right? the thing. So much of this stuff is so the same to me


that I get confused as to and that's a separate testing thing right where they blow up a shed and it's just like that's just so they can see the explosion and have the thing where they're like when does it go off? Nine seconds. Oh boy. And they run behind the car and it's like the


guy thing and he's panicking to run away from


that. And it's just like these aren't even our main characters or I think our main villains, then they reveal the main villain again in that scene. It's just so unnecessary. It's such. My


agent is in the


Such a Now are you saying that because he looks like your agent? Yeah,


looks exactly the same. It was really weird. I was like, oh my god, Doug?


gotten I hope he's, he's getting your work, Sean.


He's more work than I am. but, okay, so now we're in a scene where, The CIA guy talking to his henchmen or he's maybe he's talking to his, the guy who later becomes his henchman. Like of them wear suits. Some of them wear more casual clothes. I can never figure out who's supposed to be who, but the high status guy. But he goes, I knew this one of the goes, I knew this was going to come back to haunt us. He's talking about the murder of a Texas Ranger and saying, I knew this was going to come back As if anyone would be like, don't worry about it, Bob, it's not a problem. one's going to care.


Everyone always knows if you kill a cop, that'll be quickly forgotten by the police department.


Uh, but they find out that Walker Texas is after them and they, they understand that he's the best of the, he's the best of the bunch.


But when they come at him in, at the ranch, This is classic 90s action movie fight ballet because they're all coming at him one at a time. They're all slowly, you know, Oh, wait, is it? Where's you screwed up? You forgot to read us our rights. That's in that scene. That's in that scene. Yeah. Even though they're attacking the ranch? Yeah. And then he says, you have the right, and he kicks him, to remain silent.


See, would have gone a different direction. I would have said, you have the right. And the left.


Oh, see? There you go. It's


a callback to what he said earlier in the


episode. You're absolutely right. Could have been either one. Makes it more entertaining. And then Uncle Ray lassoed.


You don't have the right, but you have the left.


Um, and then Uncle Ray lassoes one of them. so it's a nice little action for, for Uncle Ray. Yeah,


you could tell he knows how to ride a horse and throw a lasso even he does it.


And when this happens, he catches the guys at the ranch. At this point, we know about the second robbery. There's been all these interviews. And I'm like, there's like a half hour left of this, there's a third of the show that's still left. And I'm like, are they going into like a, heat level movie hold up battle? Like, what is, what is this? And then they


We got to do. We got to go to the bank and interview one of the tellers who, like, was there a, was there guy who in it was blind, It was about my size, black beard, Stetson hat? Yes, there was.


That's maybe also the teller side note. One of the flattest, most robotic performances I have ever seen. And this is the woman that they choose.


And then she wants to know if Chuck Norris is married


for the flirty scenes. Yes. So there's some kind of, now may I ask you a question? Are you married? It's like,


Talk about chemistry, but talk about it somewhere else.


Then Anyway, Walker. He's not having, he is not having this lady on Quaaludes or whatever the hell's wrong with her. And he is just like, walks away.


then we see the, that the other story is over the, the rapists are in jail. The girl, the, the circus is going to Waco. Apparently the circus didn't realize what in Waco a couple of days before. There's nobody, uh, there's nobody in Waco. Yeah.


That's interesting. Who wants to,


there's nobody in Waco who wants to go to the circus. They've already had enough of the fucking circus for two months now. Then we get back to his office and he's had a package delivered.


That's right. In between these, I think the chief. is sort of like saying, look, what happened in Mobley? It's understandable. you'd take this kind of personal and I'm like, wait, Mobley. I'm like, Oh, that's the innocent cop the beginning that he's so deeply invested in. Well,


here's another, here's another thing I thought was weird. like you said, this is a long pilot. meeting lots and lots of people. And with all of them, we get like, he grew up in a shed outside his parents garden apartment they, they, they didn't love him. So he, you know, then he comes back to his office and Mildred is there. Who's clearly somebody he works with every day. His. His secretary or his co worker, I don't know what her job is. I know anything about her. I don't know anything about her because he just goes, Hey Mildred. And she's like, you got a package. And that's all we get from Mildred.


Well, you can tell just was like,


But just was like, why are they spending so much time on everybody and zero on Mildred?


on everybody why zero on why aren't there more scenes of Walker being a badass if you're going to fill this pilot with stuff? Like there's definitely moments, but Uh, it's kind of not enough to really grab us?


Right. Uh, but at we have episodes later on in the series where, like, know how there's always the episode where it's like, let's follow this person for the day. Yeah. There's a great Mildred episode where they just follow her from, it turns out that she has another job as a, coal miner that she does all the


time. Sure. That's how she can, she can defeat those criminals by uh, shoveling coal at them. Right.


Anyway, he goes into his office and he opens the package, there's no card, there's no note, nothing, doesn't know where it's from, it's a weird, ugly ashtray of sort that looks like a toilet seat, basically. Yeah. With a fly on


it. Yeah, It doesn't raise any alarm bells. And,


uh, then get a phone call. And the guy Oh, sorry, wrong number. Like he directly called Walker's office, but goes, Oh, sorry, this is the wrong number. And that's enough for to realize the ashtray is a bomb.


It's not enough information.


It's just an amazing deduction that he


makes Walker. That's his instincts. Yeah. That's why he can't beat


Walker. So they survived the bombing. So him and the other guy are like, okay.


Yeah. CD.


But, uh, now got to convince the captain that the four banks are going to be robbed, not just one. They're going to rob all four at the same time. There's no way you could rob four banks at the same time. Walker says you could do it by leapfrogging. Which, to me, just a classic bank robbery maneuver. You to leapfrog your way through the banks. the captain is trying to dissuade from getting involved. He knows that it's personal for Walker. Apparently. take it too personal. Don't take it too personal. And Walker, you know, Walker says, I do take it personal. Yeah.


So And When do you you get to Uncle, Uncle Ray's dream? When does that happen? I think that, I guess that's earlier. And it, cause it's like they have this big thing where he's telling you about the dream that's tied into the guy's spider tattoo. And there's a suggestion of like, it's like an ominous warning of things aren't going to go right


at some point. that happen the first time we meet Uncle Ray? No,


it's in the middle. Oh. And And then it's called back at the end, the


back at the end. Cause I guess I, you know what, I must have fallen asleep or something in the middle




what happened


in the middle and what's crazy is as far as I can tell. This ominous dream that they bring back again, they bring the whole show to a halt to play the, the, voiceover insulting folk music behind him as he's telling his dream and then bring it back almost in its entirety at the end, as far as I can tell, there's no useful information in that dream that saves. Walker, no, although I guess we're going to get to that, that moment, but he basically just throws down his gun, chases the guy and beats him. Right. So I don't even know what it's for. yeah, there's also side thing. There are a ton and I think it, I think we're going to see more as we go back to more classic episodes of television, classic pilots, there's several shots in this. In this pilot episode of this series that are out of focus, they're like close ups of a person that are clearly out of focus. And I was like, did they just not care as much in this time period? Because they were, you know, they were figuring, well, they'll watch it on TV or it's just because shot on film that they're like, well, they don't, they didn't see it. So, or they, didn't


they or or, or did they just not have competent. Directors who were like, this is what we need to do, you know,


well, I guess it would be more the DP issue, but I don't know how these things work. Um,


you know what? You know what? Pilot didn't have out of focus shots. What is it? Columbo?


Is that


true? Well, Steven Spielberg, you know, he directed that pilot. Did


he direct the




Yeah. I didn't realize he directed the


pilot. Well, it's a weird thing because it's, it's a movie of the week, but the first one was he he


directed. That's a good chunk of change in his


pocket. Um, although I will say haven't watched it in a while, so if there are out of focus shots, that's going to change my whole opinion of him. to ship, We're on a stakeout. Walker knows they're going to hit the banks. He doesn't know which one's gonna happen first. He wants to know why wears eyeglasses if he played the NFL. Jimmy says he had contacts. He says, why don't you wear those? Women say the eyeglasses changed the shape of my face. There's just a lot of


just talk about things that you would see in the cutscenes on a DVD. They're just like, oh yeah, I can see why they cut this. They just leave it in. They gotta fill out that two hour movie time. CD, uh,


this is where CD, uh, goes by to go into the bank because going to get involved somehow, even though he's no longer a Texas Ranger.


Now I will say, he has this speech. Uh, on the eve of the big, uh, robbery. and it's, it's clearly expositional like every other one of his monologues, but I do really like the writing in the monologue where he's like, well, Cordell, it's clear to me what's going to happen. You're going to ask the banks to close. They won't, you won't get the nine men you need. So come tomorrow, you'll muddle through it or you won't. Either way. Won't change the course of history and I kind of like that he's laying it all out These are all the things that avoids having to see more freaking scenes of pointless dialogue, right? And it's kind of poetic that he's just like, yeah Well, I don't know we're going to try and stop it and maybe we'll die or maybe we won't and it kind of does lend A little bit of an eve before the battle Vibe that I like.


Yeah, it feels You know like it feels like he's saying who cares which makes it very


cares who spin. I see it as more of a stoic kind of like, you know, well, we all have to die sometime. Right.


to die so,


goes Yeah, he goes to the grave. Oh, no, not his parents grave. It's his best friend, Mobley. I thought it was going to be his parents.


tells him him go fly with the spirit of the eagle and his dad is waiting for him or something. Yeah,


and then he finishes it with It's payback time.


yeah, so then we're, then we're outside. That's where the eyeglasses conversation have happens. and then the bomb goes off and that's where he hears the whole recap of Uncle Ray's dream is after the bomb goes off, right?


I, it sounds


right. Um, a bunch of ambulances pull up to the bank. We know they already had stolen 12. EMT uniforms. Chuck Norris does an amazing forward roll underneath a car up onto the curb.


He rolls like five times to get the car, which seems like that would make him more vulnerable than just, rather than just


running behind the car. One of the bad guys has a submachine gun, which are notoriously inaccurate, So he's not able to hit. I mean, there's literally a moment when Walker Texas Ranger is Dancing around bullets that are hitting the ground around him. Yeah. Um,


dodge submachine gun bullets.


Everybody, uh, everybody runs out of the bank. All of a sudden a fuel truck pulls up and it starts dumping fuel everywhere. the guys in the bank start shooting in the bank. This is where Walker chases the guy from the CIA down and they have their, it did feel like Heat at that point. Like the, the sort of outdoor plaza stuff. Yeah. It was like, Oh, that's kind of what happened in Heat


Do you think this is where Michael Mann was inspired? God, that's inspiration. He


was like, It was like, I got to do something like Walker, like Walker, Texas Ranger. I did, uh. I did Manhunter, now I need to do something.


We do have to do the, uh, the Heat pilot. That was, uh, Cause he did Heat as a pilot, TV pilot, before. So we definitely have to have to cover that in the near future.


I think I just ran out of patience at this point because I don't have a lot more notes on what Uh, oh. So him jumping over the car, that actually happened. Uh, Lin Swan from the Pittsburgh Steelers was, uh, uh, running into the end zone to catch the football. Did not catch the football. Kept running, like, was running full speed. Somebody had parked a car right behind the end zone


Uh huh.


and somehow he jumped over the car, like leapt over the car. So,


so just, uh, I


feel like this is based


just sports fact. Yeah.


Yeah. I feel like this is an homage to the Pittsburgh Steelers of the 1970s. This is also why later on he, he throws him the, the, Towel and goes here. Try it. Try a coke and a smile. Anyway, then we just go to the sort of endless coda to the show of Oh,


before we do that, this is where we get to Walker, here's Uncle Ray's dream in his head. No apparent connection what's going on, throws down his gun. I guess that's what he learned, to throw down his gun and face him hand to hand. And then faces the guy, and it's clearly this is the lethal weapon moment. And there's mono a mono. And he beats him, as we know he's going to. Fairly easily. And so that's why I'm kind of saying like, it's a weird moment of All this stuff has been done building up to that this show is about to Walker, Texas Ranger, and there's not that much with Walker solving the problem at the end, in my opinion. Um, nonetheless, he beats them, and as you're about to say,


beat them and as you're about to say announcer says, here's, here's Walker, Texas Ranger riding 2000 pounds of death and destruction. And Walker didn't know. He's like, I should have known you put me in for this. He had no idea that he was going to be riding a bull like that. Um,


He did, it was also, He won this championship before. There's no end to Walker's abilities.


Right. So he rides it for, you know, however long the, uh, you know, it's like 8. 3 seconds or something that you're supposed to stay on the ball. No, eight point. I don't know. I don't know


you used to be a rodeo rider, weren't


I rode in a rodeo once. I'm not even kidding.


even kidding. I think you are kidding.


no, I'm not.


Did you really? Yeah. Tell me this story!


Well, it's a long story. I'll tell you when we're not recording. But, he gets, he gets, eventually he gets off the bull. He's on the ground. Jimmy comes to get him and they look back and the bull is pawing at the ground. And I think it was Jimmy who said He was, he was stomping his feet


was clawing, clawing, clawing. Bulls have claws, that's


and Jimmy says, does that mean he's going to charge? And they kind of go, Oh, and then they both run. And it's that classic old school TV ending where they both leap up into the stands and then it just freeze frames on the two of them in


and then it just freeze frames on the two of them in midair.


which was like 10 minutes long, though.


long. And it's, again, the whole plot is totally on this subplot is totally unnecessary is introduced very late. It's one more thing of the, ah, Walker, I tricked you into being charitable.


CD puts them in the middle of this. Well, that's why he goes, I should have known when he's, when he's called out to, to ride the bull. so there it is. Walker, Texas Ranger. I, I did not enjoy myself for the most part. I thought it did some things that you're supposed to do in a pilot, which is like we understand who all these people are. We're not going to forget except for Mildred. We don't. I don't know anything about Mildred, but everybody,


Really got under your skin


didn't, they didn't do it in a way that I found compelling or interesting, but they serviced each character in a way that made them memorable, except for anybody bad, who's not going to be back.


They were definitely, some might say the characters were too well defined in terms of all the exposition, but they weren't defined in a way that was interesting really, other than Walker. but yeah, I mean, you can definitely see it's, In the wake of this episode where it's like, yeah, that's what the episode is. We're hitting our target. And you can see why it would have gone nine seasons, because it's, it's so fulfilling the promise of a Chuck Norris concept. Other than, I would have liked to have seen it be a little bit more ass kicky. And, uh, almost having him be more stoic, but maybe they thought, well, if if he's more like movie Chuck Norris, then you're not going to be able to sustain those relationships, so we got to soften him a little. I also do feel like with all the kid stuff that they were aiming for like a kid demographic. And as I say, I


Which makes sense because I think it was a show that came on like on Wednesday nights at 8 o'clock or something like that.


Right. Yeah.


Um, the other thing that happens is when you have all these bad guys and then you get rid of them by the end of the episode. You need a lot of people to fill that space every week. So, can I just read you a list of some of the people who appeared on the show? Luis Guzman,




Giovanni Ribisi,


Amazing. They've been in a very, um


Toby McGuire, Danica


I don't


don't know. I just saw a list of people, but to your point, these guys all would have been very young at that time, which means they're trying to


Which means they're trying to. Right.


Uh, Doris Roberts, Robert England.




in one of these. Robert England,


Uh huh.


Max Martini. Do you know Max


Who is Max Martini?


He's been in a million things. He's always, he always plays like a soldier or a cop. He most recently was on Bosch as a cop,




but he's like that guy who in everything, you know, uh, Mila Kunis, Rowdy Roddy Piper,




Danny Trejo, who was actually one of the kid, one of the


roles. He did have a machete though. Uh huh.


Dean Norris, uh, Lee Majors. Wow!


Wow. I wonder at what point in his shows that was, this must've been post fall guy.


Sanders played himself on the show. Uh huh, also


Uh, also jumping over a


I'm guessing he was friends with Jimmy


TV. Oh, definitely. Yeah.


Uh, John Schneider. Uh huh.


Uh huh.


Jett, Ernest Borgnine, Dionne Warwick. This is an impressive list


This is an impressive list of guest stars. Mark Cuban. Wow,


Uh, Hulk Hogan.


I don't know why I gave the Wow to Mark Cuban um,


Selena Gomez was the last one who probably would've been eight or nine years old, so,


So it's just like, it's a good launch. It's this, this is like, uh, Disney, the amount of kids this launched. Cause you know, he would, he would train them. If we train them how to sing and dance Chuck Norris would,


loved singing and dancing.


we're at this point in the show where we're still not sure if we should rate it or, you know, we don't know if, uh, there should be some kind of, an evaluation process.


you watch episode




Neither would I.


And I think that is probably the, the definite thing that we should evaluate in every episode.




Um, I also, it's like, I guess that goes along with, would you give this the green light if you were.


That I would because it's, it's like a no brainer, no brainer. Like it's


Like there will be an audience with it. You just wouldn't watch


right. Yeah, it would, it would sustain itself. Like, I think you could tell right away we have a hit on our hands. Haggis is, is already halfway through the screenplay of million dollar baby because he's so disappointed. The show is so good.


Million Dollar Babies.


Alright, well folks, that is our show. We will be putting out episodes on the first and third Sunday of every month. So check back then for new episodes. we are co pilots TV on all social media and you can also find us on co pilots tv. com. If you want to know where to watch these pilots, I would do it in your living room on TV, but you can also check the show notes to find out where the places that you can find, uh, uh, each pilot.


Take that one again.


Uh, no, I don't.


well then, there you go. You nailed it.




So whether you like our show, or, you know, you have other feelings about our show, just give us a five star review, rate, review, subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify, it'll be very helpful to us. You'll get your pilot's wings and, uh, subscribe to our Patreon. It's Um,


going to have a karate fight.


that's true. If you want to see that. You know, it might be, we do our own stunts, so we're definitely going to be injured.


nose is broken.


Oh yeah. We'll see about that. How about now?


Still broken.


How about now?


It's fixed.


But how about now?


Broken again.


So until next time, just remember, it's payback time.


Your dad is waiting for you.


What's your dad is waiting for


He says that. About Mobley. That's


Oh is that what he says? That's hilarious. And just remember guys, we did this episode for Mobley.


He was so innocent, so young.